Thursday, January 24, 2008

Redding and Bacsik Predict Final 2008 Record

Actual news: Tim Redding and Mike Bacsik were at Gifford's Ice Cream downtown today. I asked what each of their predicted final team records were for this year. Redding proclaimed, "That would involve math," and then proceeded to predict an 86-76 finish. Bacsik predicted 162-0. Pretty lofty guess. Maybe the reason Bacsik predicted all wins is because he thinks he won't even make the team. After all, if there was any doubt, it certainly couldn't happen with him on the team. Spring Training invitee, that's all I can say. Very nice guy, though. I came this close to asking Redding to grow back that horrendous goatee he had in Spring Training last year, but was able to hold myself back from asking so. Didn't get around to the Bonds topic for Bacsik either. Redding will appear at the Washington Auto Show this weekend to sign autographs and talk to fans.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

At least they both get the math right.

Eighty-six wins may be on the optimistic side, but a healthy pitching staff and improved sluggage could get the Nats on the right side of .500. That would be a fine plateau to reach in '08, not to mention a good base into which to insert our wizard draftees in this and future seasons.